Schwellbrunn - Appenzellerland Hourly forecast
7:32 PM 19:32
Waxing gibbous
Morning temperature of 4 °C, afternoon 8°, evening 7° and night 7°. Morning temperature of 40 degrees, afternoon 47°, evening 45° and night 45°.
Rain, morning overcast.
Updated 9/15 3:56 AM 03:56
The hourly local weather forecast shows hour by hour weather conditions like temperature, feels like temperature, humidity, amount of precipitation and chance of precipitation, wind and gusts for Schwellbrunn - Appenzellerland.
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Nearest Observations
Dewpoint 3° 37°
Rel. hum. 98 %
Feels like +4° 39°
Pressure -- hPa -- inHg -- mmHg
Visibility -- m -- mi
Dewpoint -4° 25°
Rel. hum. 100 %
Feels like -11° 12°
Pressure -- hPa -- inHg -- mmHg
Visibility -- m -- mi
Saint Gallen
Dewpoint 4° 39°
Rel. hum. 86 %
Feels like +7° 45°
Pressure -- hPa -- inHg -- mmHg
Visibility -- m -- mi
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